Connecting Segment to Palabra
How to connect your Segment account to Palabra
To add Palabra as a Segment destination to start sending us your user actions, you'll first need to authorize your Segment account.
Make sure you are an admin on Segment before you attempt to connect your account to Palabra.
To do so follow the next steps:
Go to Integrations following this link:
Find 'Segment' in the list of integrations and click it to connect it.
An authorization popup will open and you'll need to pick which Segment organization and source you'd like to connect.
You will be requested to send an 'Identify' event next. Go to your app and log in. After you do so you should the user data you sent appearing on Palabra.
You are done!
If you now go to your Segment account you'll find Palabra as a destination. From now on we'll start receiving your Segment events.
Last updated
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